My Day Alone in WDW


My Husband had to work (@Grand Floridian) a short daytime shift on a Saturday. It was only 6 hours so I figured I’d go in with him, spend some time in WDW and meet up with him afterwards. Well I had a blast! What a fun day exploring by myself, at my own speed, doing what I wanted to do. No compromising for me!

I had Joe drop me off at Hollywood Studios. I saw it as a sign to visit the Muppets first because I saw the billboard for the new show in the parking lot. FYI – I loved the new show!!

I started at Muppet Vision 3D and found the key under the mat. Love that pun. I also saw A Net Full of Jello, get it, Annette Funicello! I love the updated movie in the holding area that mentions Constantine from the last Muppet Movie (with Tina Fey). Statler and Waldorf make me giggle – they can’t escape – they are nailed to their seats!


I crossed over the Streets of America to check on the progress of the lighting for the Osbourne Family Lights. I can’t believe how fast that many lights can go up! I window shopped at Mr. Gold’s Pawn Shop from the television show Once Upon A Time. I love seeing the glass slippers and Sorcerer’s Hat! All Magic Comes At A Price!

A quick walk through a very busy Pixar section and I was at One Man’s Dream. For me, this is always a must so I’m pretty sad to see it go. I’m good with change and I’m sure I will love what comes next for Hollywood Studios. It was sad that Walt’s office is gone but nice to say good bye.


When I left the exhibit, I heard music so I knew that I had to get moving to see Mulch, Sweat and Sheers! I didn’t want to miss a chance since they are ending their fantastic 11 year run on October 11th. They are always a fun time. I could watch the interaction with the audience forever! They Rock! I will miss them, they’ve been such a staple in the park.

I decided to stop at Starbucks, get a refresher and head out.


I next walked to the Boardwalk. I love the feel of this resort. It’s turn of the (last) century charm and kitsch gets me every time. Yes the clown pool scares the heck out of me up I walk really fast by it. I did a quick walk through pit stop but didn’t explore as much as I normally do.

It’s a great walk with wonderful views. You can see The Yacht Club with it’s lighthouse and the Beach Club with it’s pirate ship across the water. I stopped in at the Bakery but was only window shopping. I wanted to visit Germany (you’ll see why later)!

I entered Epcot through the International Gateway. I love this entrance because it’s never busy. I thought I’d so something crazy and take a left and head into France. I usually take a right into United Kingdom. I went to see Impressions de France. I really enjoy that movie. The music and imagery are stunning. I then kept going on my trek around the world. I stopped briefly to listen to the Voices of Liberty. I missed most of their set unfortunately.


I was giddy as I stopped in Germany. If you haven’t tried their freshly made and warm Werther’s Popcorn, you haven’t lived! I buy the prepackaged to ship up to my daughter in law, Kristen but have to get a fresh bag for myself. I don’t share.


My next spot was to visit my favorite guy – Figment! I went to Future World and with a brief stop at Club Cool for some non-Beverly refreshments. I love the pineapple and melon Fantas mixed together! Journey into Imagination with Figment is such a happy ride, it makes me smile and sing each time. I know some people miss the earlier versions. I have seen them on You Tube. I’m just happy with any Figment I can get!


I went to the Land to Sunshine Seasons and had quick meal of a premade sandwich and a yummy cupcake. I relaxed from all my walking and people watched a bit. The stand-by line for Soaring was 75 minutes. I decided to visit Spaceship Earth to thank the Phoenicians! Since I was all about learning at this point, I head over to Ellen’s Energy Adventure. I know it’s dated but I love the ride/show. It’s also a great place to cool down or escape the rain.


I had FP+ for Illuminations and Joe was almost done with the work day, so I got in line and started getting excited! He had never seen the entire show due to our placement around the World Showcase. It was a perfect ending to both his day working for the Mouse and my adventure alone!


Going to Walt Disney World Without Going on Rides

Going to Disney Without Going on Rides


We all know that Walt Disney World has some fantastic rides. Magic Kingdom has the mountains – Splash and Space. It is also home to the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train which opened to rave reviews. Hollywood Studios is known for The Rock ‘N Roller Coaster and the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror which looms over the park and can be seen from everywhere. Expedition Everest with Yeti and Dinosaur will get your blood pumping in Animal Kingdom. Test Track and Mission:SPACE are the thrill rides in Epcot although Sum of all Thrills at Innoventions can be as wild as you want to make it – within the boundaries of math, of course. So if you are looking for some adventure, you’re sure to find it.

For me, nope. Not looking for that at all. Of the above rides, I will go on 1 maybe 2 if the mood strikes. I have a soft spot for Dinosaur. Not sure why but I love it. Also, I can be persuaded to go on Sum of All Thrills if I am allowed to create it (no drops for this girl). So what could you possibly do in Disney World if you are not going on rides?Well, there are tons of shows!

 They do a pretty good job right at the front of Cinderella’s Castle at Magic Kingdom. I could watch that show over and over.  Philharmagic is always a fun time reliving some favorite movies and the Carousel of Progress helps me to remember that Walt had a hand in all of this. Oh and the parades! The Festival of Fantasy parade blows my mind. There is a fire breathing dragon! Fire. Breathing. Dragon. I don’t need to plummet down a mountain for excitement.

So if I choose to watch the Festival of the Lion King and Finding Nemo instead of visiting the Yeti, don’t think I’m not having a blast. I am getting so much out of every visit to Beauty and the Beast that I wouldn’t trade it for all the Terror in the world! Figment is enough to get my imagination going, I don’t need to go into Space. Don’t skip the wonderful movies in France, Canada and China!

I get enough excitement dodging raindrops in Florida or as I refer to it – Liquid Sunshine. I don’t need to go on any rides! I could also people watch forever and there is no greater variety than right in WDW. People from all over the world and every culture is represented. Talk to cast members and other guests. There are some really great people out there!

Enjoy Disney your own way but make sure you are having fun!


Four Parks in One Day

All Four Disney Parks in One Day – Courtney, Gina and Joe

Picture in front of all four landmarks Courtney:pink hat, Gina: blue “B” hat, Joe: blue golf hat

We put together a plan first. This is a must. Know what you are going to do before you even leave home/hotel. We decided the order of the parks, the transportation and the activities that would be done. We also knew to stay hydrated and take it slow because if you burn yourself out too quickly, you won’t enjoy the journey.

We started at Animal Kingdom. This was actually the only FP+ we used all day. We wanted to get on the Safari right away. We went to the bakery and had a haystack and white chocolate chip cookie. Breakfast of champions! We walked around a little after the great safari (the animals were really awake and close to the trucks) and stopped by Starbucks for some caffeine. What a wonderful job they did in there!

Safari-Animal Kingdom

We then jumped on the bus (furthest stop ever #17) to Hollywood Studios. It was actually a little more crowded than I would have anticipated at the entrance. My Magic Band has been having issues and needs to be replaced but luckily my crew didn’t dump me and leave me behind.

We checked out wait times and decided to go to Muppet Vision 3D. Yippee, one of my favorites! We again walked around a bit and checked out the fun times on Pixar Street. We stopped for a churro because they rock! We did share it at least (I’m pretty sure Joe got the biggest piece). Again, I was a little surprised by how crowded this park was getting.

Muppetvision 3D- Hollywood Studios

We then hopped on the boat to Epcot. We entered through the International Gateway and ate again. We wanted real food so we stopped by the United Kingdom. We had the quick service version of fish & chips made even better because Courtney paid.  Always get the free ice water. Nice little cool down. We had to check out the Doctor Who merchandise and walked out to see a musical quartet. How cool is that?

sights and sounds throughout Epcot

I can’t believe how crowded the food stands for the Food and Wine Festival were. We had been two days earlier for the preview, so luckily I had most of the dishes I wanted. I figure we’ll try that on an early Epcot day again.

Living with the Land- inside The Land- Epcot

We went to the Land and rode Living with the Land. It had been closed briefly earlier in the month for some maintenance and it feels fresher. Always a great ride. We had done the Behind the Seeds tour which gives you a whole new appreciation for the work that is accomplished in Epcot.

Food & Wine Festival themed entrance and exit displays- Epcot

We did stop in the old Wonders of Life Pavilion to check out the festivities. We watched an interesting movie on the work that goes into the Food & Wine Festival and also ate some chocolate samples.

Food & Wine Festival Event Center-near Universe of Energy-Epcot

We then boarded the Monorail to the TTC and then onto the Magic Kingdom. We had moved slower in Epcot but decided to really relax and enjoy now. We had hit four parks and needed ice cream! We stopped at Plaza Ice Cream Parlor and enjoyed our scoops sitting at the Tomorrowland Terrace. We could see the Festival of Fantasy Parade from that spot. My only complaint is that the music from the parade can’t be heard very well over the pumped in futuristic music.

Carousel Of Progress-Tomorrowland-Magic Kingdom

We went to The Carousel of Progress next. I could go to this show every day and love it more and more each time! Such a happy tune that gets stuck in your head! We needed to visit the charging outlets in the Space Mountain gift shop afterwards. They have been somewhat relocated to the right hand back side of the store. There are changes going on in the store where you will be able to customize phone covers – similar to the Co-op in Disney Springs.

Cinderella’s Castle-Magic Kingdom

We wondered a bit, soaking up the surroundings when Gary (brother- CM) called for dinner. So we jumped on the Monorail, met him at the Grand Floridian Café and let him buy us a meal. This is such a gem. We are always able to get last minute reservations here. We ended up at home around 10:30pm tired but happy.


Pork chop and Dessert Sampler from Grand Floridian Cafe
Grand Floridian Cafe
Wrap up:
Animal Kingdom: haystacks, cookie, found a hidden Mickey, safari, coffee, bus

Hollywood Studios: Kermit, churro, discussions on changes and excitement for the future, boat

Epcot: fish & chips, wondering why they don’t have a full sized Tardis, the Land, free chocolate, saw our cousin Kelsey and family, Monorail

Magic Kingdom: ice cream, fire breathing dragon, there’s a great big beautiful tomorrow, gift shop rehab

Grand Floridian: my favorite restaurant in all of WDW!


EPCOT’s China Pavillion: Nine Dragons Resaurant

EPCOT seems to be the Disney Park with the most choices and variety of places to eat. The World Showcase offers very authentic dining experiences from each of the 11 countries showcased. The Nine Dragons Restaurant in the China Pavillion provides guests with a calming atmosphere and delicious meals.

Walking into the low lit building we instantly noticed that the loud noises and hustle of an always moving area were eliminated. The dark wood with colored glass features and the classical music gave a real calm feel. This was a nice break from a hot day.

The food that is featured here is just amazing. The two entrees featured above are a barbecue pork rice bowl and fried rice bowl. Both of these meals are served in a giant bowl and you would have to very, very hungry to finish it all. The rice had a ton of flavor and the meat was savory and tender. Another great entree that is very good and plentiful is the sweet and sour chicken with steamed rice. We must comment on the service we received on our many times here. They are excellent, your glass will never be empty and they are very appreciative and thankful for your business.

If you don’t want to or just don’t have time for a sit down meal there is an outside quick service that offers many of the same meals but more of a lunch sized serving of it. Nine Dragons Restaurant is a must do for us when we go to the World Showcase.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!!


Via Napoli at Epcot’s Italy

Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria

With it’s three wood-burning ovens, you will definitely find a real authentic Italian feel here. The décor is quaint and the atmosphere is loud and boisterous. It works here. We spoke with the manager from the Patina Restaurant Group and he was so enthusiastic about the cuisine and the staff. Nice to hear that.

My husband had the Carciofi Pizza, which is made with artichoke, fontina and mozzarella cheeses and truffle oil, no red sauce. The individual size is a large 12 inch pie. This was made to order and served fresh out of the oven. Very savory and way too much for one person (although Joe rolled away from the table).

I had the Piatti Alla Parmigiana – Tortino di Melanzane (Eggplant parm with roasted potatoes). It was nice not to have the eggplant over the usual pound of pasta! The eggplant itself was thinly sliced and lightly breaded. No heaviness at all here. The sauce was incredible! Not a huge portion but it was more than enough!

My niece had the Piatti Alla Parmigiana- Pollo (Chicken parm with roated potatoes). The chicken breast was butterflied and flattened. The breading again was light and crispy without being greasy. This also came with the roasted new potatoes which are lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, oregano and olive oil. This was delicious.

For desert we had the Tiramisu, Zeppole di Caterina and Pistachio Gelati e Sorbetto. Let’s just say that the Zeppole should be illegal! Probably one of the best deserts ever. The gelato was creamy and had a nutty brittle topper and the tiramisu was as good as any I’ve had. You could definitely share  – if you had to.

The prices are a little high but worth it in my opinion. I will definitely be visiting again!

Hidden Disney – Although the names of the three ovens are after actual volcanos in Italy (Etna, Vesuvio and Stromboli), the faces were inspired by Pinocchio’s misadventures on Pleasure Island. No Jiminy Cricket sightings, unfortunately!



Quick Service – Part 1 (Pizzafari, Tangerine Cafe and Artist’s Palette)

 Quick Service – Part 1



The Animal Kingdom is home to Pizzafari. As the name implies, they serve pizza. They are open for lunch and dinner. They serve personal size thick crust cheese, pepperoni, meat lovers and vegetable pizzas with a Caesar salad on the side. Not only is the pizza really yummy but the salad is excellent. They also serve a meatball sub, a romaine salad and pasta with sauce. The children’s menu offers mac & cheese, cheese pizza, uncrustables and pasta.

The food is good and the restaurant itself is fun and brightly decorated. There is plenty of seating and Cast Member are often seen coloring pictures with children or leading a Congo line. This is a great place for a cool down relaxing meal before trekking off into Africa.

imageTangerine Café in Epcot’s Morocco

Inside Epcot’s Morocco is a gem that is hidden in plain sight. The Tangerine Café has some of the best food that I’ve had in all of WDW. It’s refreshingly different from anything else I had enjoyed. It’s wonderful fresh food simply prepared to be a filling and surprisingly delicious meal.

I had the Shawarma Chicken Platter and it is literally enough for two adults. The meat was moist and flavorful and the combinations of hot and cold food and spices really worked. The hummus was creamy and the pita was warm. The wraps (lamb, chicken and falafel) were also generously sized.

There is seating outside and inside but it’s open to the hustle and bustle of Epcot. Adjacent is also a coffee bar with pastries. Don’t skip it!


The Artist’s Palette at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa

Think “upscale deli” and that’s what you’ll get at The Artist’s Palette. The food is freshly prepared to order in front of you and will often be delivered to your table if you not ready when you pay for your meal.

We had the Caprese Flatbread pizza and the Spicy Italian Beef sandwich. Both were wonderful light meals along with fountain soda and light lemonade. There are multiple yummy looking deserts to choose from including cupcakes. The general store and gift shop are all connected so you can mix grab and go items with your order.

The seating area is accented by colorful lighting fixtures that feel like artwork. There is a drawing station for younger kids but they won’t kick you out if you’re older (don’t judge). Tables can be hard to find and seating can get tight but you can always bring your order down a few steps and eat by the pool.


You’re going to Disney World again?


We have all encountered the people in our lives that just can not understand our love of all things Disney (and especially Walt Disney World). You’re going to Disney World again? You know there are other places to vacation, right? You went to see Frozen but you have no little kids? Inside Out is for children, why would you go see that? Please tell me you don’t wear stupid ears on your head!!!! Is that the song from that ride with all the dolls?

Well yes, I actually have a great collection of ears and they are fantastic! Nothing goes better with a classic Mickey Mouse shirt like the black and red ears but make sure they sparkle! What day in the park would be complete without some Disney bling? It just enhances the magic!

I know there are tons of great places to vacation. How fortunate am I that I have actually have swam the ocean (Atlantic) and climbed around the mountains (NH)! I have followed historical trails (Boston, Salem, Newport, Providence) and stayed at Inns that are older than some states in this country. There is still so much more that I plan on seeing. However, when I want pure bliss, I head to WDW. It’s my happy place!

I don’t think people who don’t frequent WDW or the sites/pages dedicated to it, appreciate that there is a constant state of change. Yes the bones are the same – Cinderella’s Castle and small world aren’t going anywhere but Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin is the former home of Take Flight/Dreamflight and there are now two Dumbo rides! That’s progress and that’s why WDW and it’s other counterparts will never be “finished”. If you space your trips a few years apart, you may even need a map!

I grew up on Walt Disney’s World of Color and of course all those fantastic movies (Apple Dumpling Gang). There seemed to be an endless supply of them! My children grew up watching the Disney Channel with such classics as Welcome to Pooh Corner and Adventures in Wonderland and moved on to Fraggle Rock. They are still stuck there! My grandson is a huge fan of the Octonauts – hint hint Hollywood Studios. ABC and ESPN are also Disney entities so pretty much everyone is watching Disney is one shape or form.

There are always new Disney movies coming out. They are about your emotions or superheroes or monsters in your closet but what each one has in common is that they appeal to a demographic that defies logic. You can see any and all age group together. That’s the greatest thing about Disney – it brings people together.

So yes, I am going again and I will be bounding as Ariel and I will be humming the Figment of Imagination song. Don’t judge me, if Darth Vader can wear ears then so can I!


Coral Reef Restaurant – Future World in Epcot

image The Coral Reef Restaurant is located in Future World in Epcot. It is adjacent to The Seas with Nemo and Friends. It’s to the right of the Nemo entrance and can sometimes be overlooked.

The interior of the Coral Reef is slightly dated yet still charming. You definitely get the under the sea feel with the tank open for viewing of all seating. It is really cool to see a turtle swim by as you are enjoying your meal. The seating is a little tight together. The servers really have to work at not bumping into one another.

The food is fantastic! We had the Baked Cheese Manicotti with Maine Lobster Tail and the Grilled New York Strip Steak. They were both cooked to perfection and were beautifully presented. This has been one of the better meals I’ve had in the Parks. The lobster was not overcooked and the steak was moist and not overcooked even at medium well. I could have gone for seconds!

We ended the meal with the Turtle Cheesecake with Caramel and Vanilla Panna Cotta Tart with Key Lime. They were as delicious as they were pretty! A wonderful way to end a meal.

I would definitely go for another round at Coral Reef. I left there full and satisfied! I would give this a 4 out of 5.


Always Looking Up


Epcot’s Italy

Going through my pictures it’s clear to spot a recurring theme; I am always looking up. Yes I do love the lighting fixtures in all their splendid varieties. I love crystal chandeliers and rusty candle holders. I’m not sure if there is a light that I don’t have a picture of in all of WDW and most of the resorts. Every time I find a new one, it’s like Christmas!


The Beach Club

It’s not just the lights that I love. It’s that they are always so perfectly themed to their location. They fit. They may enhance the entire scene (Haunted Mansion) or they may just fade into the background (path lighting at the Polynesian) but they have a purpose to illuminate and enrich. It’s the attention to detail where Disney has me wrapped and lighting is just one aspect of that.


Artist Pallet at Saratoga Springs

I always wish I could take better pictures. I wish I could capture how the lighting really effects the surroundings. I do know that I won’t stop looking up and sometimes I may trip. I apologize for bumping into other guests and thank my family for catching me so I don’t fall flat on my face. I’m sure if I did they would help me up again after they stopped laughing!


San Angel Inn Restaurante in Epcot’s Mexico


We recently visited San Angel Inn when out of town friends came to visit. I had never been but was open for anything! I had been inside the Mexican Pavilion many times and of course love the Grand Fiesta Tour with the Three Caballeros. I love the atmosphere as it feels like you are in small party town.

We started with the Sopa Azteca. The tortilla strips, avocado, cheese and peppers are brought in a dish and then have the soup poured over at your table. This was so fresh and so yummy, I would eat this every day! It’s not overly spicy but has just a hint of a kick.

For our entrée, we had the Carne Asada. This is a New York Strip, cooked to order with rice, guacamole, refried beans and a small enchilada. This is definitely a generous portion! There was definitely some heat to this dish but the guacamole cooled it down nicely. The meat was a tender as can be and the enchilada was a pleasant surprise.

Even after all that food, we went in for desert. My husband (Joe) and each got one and shared. We had the Crema Bavaria, which was so rich and decadent and the Mousse de Chocolate, which totally satisfied the urge for chocolate! Sharing is a strong word, you’ll want one of each for yourself!

So we left the restaurant full and happy and ended our trip to Mexico searching for Donald! Definitely give it a try and you won’t be disappointed. If I have one complaint it would be that the lighting is not great.

The wonderful pictures were taken by Gary Castiglioni. Thanks!