The Rose & Crown – Epcot’s United Kingdom


The Rose & Crown

We decided to go to Epcot for the day on Saturday and made a last minute reservation on MDE. With just two people that is never a problem even the day of.

Being a warm day, we chose to eat inside but I have eaten outside with the quick service menu. The restaurant feels like Old English, at least to my New England eyes. There are plates and pictures of Royals throughout. The staff are also imported and simply delightful! We had a young man named David who loves the Disney Life and would love to some day relocate permanently. (He did say that since there are 3 Davids there from Liverpool, to refer to him as the handsome one.)

I went with the Fish and Chips and they have become my new favorite. They are as good as anything in NE. Sorry but even as good as Ye’ Olde English in Woonsocket, RI. You can taste the beer in the batter and the fries are thick and crispy. The portion is generous and you will be full after eating this!

My husband had the Shepherd’s Pie. He devoured every last bite! The lamb was savory and flavorful and the potatoes creamy and delicious. He didn’t speak much so I took that as a huge deal because he doesn’t usually stop speaking! He did manage to finish my Fish and Chips also. He had a beer that was suggested by David and found it was a perfect compliment to the meal.

What I really liked was that you didn’t get that rushed feeling that sometimes happens at the nicer restaurants. This was an enjoyable meal with great atmosphere and a new friend.


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