Kill Refurb Marry: 2015 Food & Wine Sips and Snacks (Mouse on the Mind)

I’ve been to the 20th Food & Wine Festival about 5 times so far and I’m still sampling my way through it all but this is the list so far.

Kill: America – New England Lobster Roll


I am from New England and had lived there my whole life before last year and I can tell you that this is not something that a New Englander would make. The roll was great, warm and toasted with butter. The only ingredients in a lobster roll should be: lobster, mayo and maybe shredded lettuce and celery if you are fancy. There should never be diced red pepper anywhere near that dish. Huge disappointment. I’m going to kill this dish because it’s so simple that’s it’s a challenge to mess it up.

Refurb: China – Beijing roasted duck in steamed bun with hoisin sauce


I feel like the idea is great but it’s dated and needs a change. The taste was pretty good, maybe a little greasy and the bun was just devoid of any flavor. I agree that China should have a duck dish but it’s time to take it up a notch.

Marry: Brazil – Escondidinho de carne


This is like Brazilian shepherd’s pie. The bottom layer is a mildly spicy sausage and pepper blend and the yucca is like a dense potato with a thick bubbly layer of cheese to top it all off. It’s like comfort food meets pizzazz! The portion that is given is enough for a meal. You just can’t go wrong with this. Perfect!

Honorable Mention: Cheese Studio – Cheese and Wine Pallet


OMG, it’s cheese and wine and it’s wonderful! Not overly large portions, of course, but enough to figure out what you like. I actually liked a wine made in Harvard, MA, who knew?

I can’t wait to go back for seconds!!!

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